Curiously, the narrative path follows the inverse direction of the 16th century chronicists' narratives: from the woods to the big city, and then back to the woods - unlike the "navigators" who left the European civilization to "discover" the New World.
Painting: "The Baptism of Macunaíma", Tarsila do Amaral, 1956.
Thus Macunaíma as a hero is full of contradictions and happily enjoying them: he is the anti-hero also, the character with no character intended to represent and sinthetize some kind of national identity: Andrade wrote that the brazilian people, as a trait and general rule, had no character (not only in the moral and european sense of the word, but mainly in the sense that brazilians had no "century-old own civilization" nor a "tradition consciousness", still spontaneously acted as the rich inheritors of a yoruba civilization, an indigenous civilization and a european civilization). In fact, Macunaíma is an unpredictable character with no conscience dilemmas nor morality on the european traditional and religious sense of the word, he is free-minded as a 20-year old should be and acts accordingly: he is light and rich and full of opportunities, with all the surprisingly creative possibilities of a brand new society which is trying to build and invent itself.
1 comment:
Hey, Alexandra !
I've never read it completely (studied it at school, that's why :-))
I lnow I have to do it.
Continue the good work
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